Deep Root Tree Fertilization
Call us for a free estimation. (519)500-5595
Deep root tree fertilization (DRF) has a number of positive benefits for those interested in the long-term health and vitality of trees on their lots. It can be an imortant part of your overall tree care. Tri-city offers an effective service with a variety of benefits:
Deep root tree fertilization reduces soil compaction, loosening the soil around the tree and its root system, allowing the tree roots to breathe more easily. This is especially important in many parts of Kitchener-Waterloo where soil tends to be hard packed and dry, even rocky. Soil in this region is generally described as having a "clayey texture" that is also heavy with gravel in many areas.* While this soil is fertile, it is not ideally optimal for tree growth and health. The deep loosening of the soil that comes with DRF helps reduce this natural compaction and facilitates aeration of the roots. Other growth in the area is likely to benefit, as well.
A second benefit of DRF is effective soil aeration. The roots will have much easier and richer access to water and nutrients that are essential for growth and health of trees. Trees' fibrous absorbing tree roots are found in the first foot of soil, but in Waterloo region, the penetration of rain water is not as great as it is in some other areas, again because of the quality of soil. As has been stated, the alluvium in this area "is frequently poorly drained, sometimes subject to seasonal flooding, and usually has immature soil profiles."* That makes it hard to garden in this region, and it makes life more difficult for trees, too.
DRF allows for better root function. It promotes root growth, which allows roots to capture and acquire key nutrients. These key nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (commonly referred to as NPK). Nitrogen is the most beneficial and the most plentiful. DRF helps facilitate nitrogen absorption, the key to growth of any plant. Phosphorous has more difficulty penetrating soil and DRF facilitates its movement deep into the root system of your trees. Potassium tends to be plentiful in clayey soils but your trees can never have enough of a good thing. Nutrient injections do not have to be restricted to NPK and can include other beneficial fertilizers and products.
Most urban soils are not optimised for tree growth. We remove plant litter such as leaves and trees have to compete with grass roots for nutrition, water and other resources. DRF helps alleviate the negative effects of urbanization and arborists rightly extoll the great benefits of deep fertilisation.
You should also know that mean annual precipitation in Kitchener-Waterloo is lower than some other areas nearby, such as Stratford. (You might also notice that Stratford has a lot of very robust tree growth). Fertilising your trees helps alleviate the relative lack of moisture they receive.
Professional fertilisation
Tri-City Tree Service uses our professional knowledge and experience to properly inject nutrients into the soil around the roots of your trees with proper care using professional tools. We properly measure depth and distances between nutrient injection sites to fully optimise benefits to your trees. Deep root fertilisation encourages the thickening of secondary roots and the increased growth and deepening of fine roots, all of which adds to the overall health and longevity of your trees. DRF is absolutely beneficial to all the trees on your lot. Call us today for a free estimate.
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(519) 500-5595About Tri-City
Tri-City Tree Service provides full service tree removal, tree planting, pruning and severe weather cleanup.
About Tri-CityCertifications
Tri-City Tree Service is fully insured and a member of the International Society of Arboriculture.